
Spanish, Castilian
Gabriel, a professor of philosophy and logic in the night school, will be immersed in trying to understand the meaning of the prophetic drawings of Benjamin Solari Parravicini, an Argentine artist who predicted the WTC 9/11 event in 1939, he is considered the Latin American Nostradamus.

About the Show

Gabriel, a professor of philosophy and logic in the night school, will be immersed in trying to understand the meaning of the prophetic drawings of Benjamin Solari Parravicini, an Argentine artist who predicted the WTC 9/11 event in 1939, he is considered the Latin American Nostradamus.

Gabriel, profesor de filosofía y lógica en la escuela nocturna, se sumergirá en tratar de comprender el significado de los dibujos proféticos de Benjamin Solari Parravicini, artista argentino que predijo el evento WTC 9/11 en 1939, y otros hechos históricos; considerado el Nostradamus latinoamericano. Gabriel se embarcará con su primo Tony, en una historia de suspenso, intriga y drama, con una obsesión creciente por descubrir la predicción del cataclismo final, con personajes que te guiarán hacia un destino inevitable e inesperado.

Year - 2013

Director: Gustavo Giannini

Stars: Antonio Birabent, Gonzalo Suárez, Belen Chavanne, Nancy Anka, Pochi Ducasse, Daniel Fanego, Norman Briski, Ricardo Bauleo, Atilio Pozzobon