
Spanish, Castilian
Garúa, a famous tango singer in Buenos Aires, is murdered by Franco, a man who, tormented by guilt, begins a search path that will lead him to occupy the empty place of the disappeared artist.

About the Show

Garúa, a famous tango singer in Buenos Aires, is murdered by Franco, a man who, tormented by guilt, begins a search path that will lead him to occupy the empty place of the disappeared artist.

Franco mata a un cantor de tangos y el peso de su culpa lo empuja a buscar información sobre su víctima. Su búsqueda lo lleva a un mundo desconocido y fascinante, un lugar verdadero y profundo donde el tango sigue vivo, hábitat de los últimos verdaderos y auténticos artistas bohemios de Buenos Aires.

Year - 2005

Cast & Crew
Director: Gustavo Corrado

Stars: Luciano Cáceres, Jean-Pierre Reguerraz, Jorge Sesán, Dalila Real, Mirta Busnelli