Sargent Matacho (La Sargento Matacho)

Spanish, Castilian
In 1948 Colombian government forces surround a village and kill several peasants who sympathized with the ideals of the liberal party, including Rosalba Velásquez’s husband, she vows to kill each one of her husband’s killers.

About the Show

In 1948 Colombian government forces surround a village and kill several peasants who sympathized with the ideals of the liberal party, including Rosalba Velásquez’s husband. The young Rosalba witnesses his slaughter and deeply traumatized, she vows to kill each one of her husband’s killers. Guerrilla leaders neutralize Rosalba’s amateurish methods because she attracts too much military intervention. She joins them and becomes known for her courage and for her nom de guerre, Sargento Matacho.

En 1948, las fuerzas del gobierno colombiano rodean una aldea y matan a varios campesinos que simpatizaban con los ideales del partido liberal, incluido el esposo de Rosalba Velásquez. La joven Rosalba es testigo de su masacre y, profundamente traumatizada, jura matar a cada uno de los asesinos de su marido. Los líderes guerrilleros neutralizan los métodos aficionados de Rosalba porque atrae demasiada intervención militar. Se une a ellos y se da a conocer por su valentía y por su nombre de guerra, Sargento Matacho.

Year - 2015

Cast & Crew
Director: William González Zafra

Stars: Damián Alcázar, Marlon Moreno, Dagobeero Sanchez, Fabiana Medina