About the Show
Over stock footage establishing our Seattle location we hear scattered news reports: “Love is over for Charley
Cooper, founder and CEO of popular dating app Evermore, whose long-term boyfriend has published an op-ed about her post-breakup, titled ‘I DATED THE QUEEN OF ONLINE DATING,’” “Stock prices of Evermore are plummeting as people delete their accounts left and right,” and so on.
Year - 2023
Cast & Crew
Director: Jim Cliffe
Writer: Courtney Taylor Burness
Producer: Cjay Boisclair, Bruce Harvey
Stars: Marlie Collins, Adam Hollick, Shyinne Anastacio, Tyson Arner, Dayleigh Nelson, Rhys Cawley, Damon Gregory, Jai Braithwaite, Jai Braithwaite, Stephen Jefferys, Brandon Giddens