High Kick Girl (Trailer)

Spanish, Castilian
A high school girl in Japan who is an arrogant but masterful student of karate becomes fierce when she joins an undercover team of fighters.

About the Show

Young girl Kei Tsuchiya(played by Rina Takeda)is a very talented karate pupil, trained by her sensei Yoshiaki Matsumura(played by Tatsuya Naka). But Kei Tsuchiya is very arrogant and spends her time degrading various other karate students in different karate challenges. One day she is approached by a mysterious organisation called The Destroyers, that wants to recruit her. But too late she realizes that it's not her,rather her sensei Matsumura, they are interested in.

La joven Kei Tsuchiya (interpretada por Rina Takeda) es una alumna de karate muy talentosa, entrenada por su sensei Yoshiaki Matsumura (interpretado por Tatsuya Naka). Pero Kei Tsuchiya es muy arrogante y pasa su tiempo degradando a otros estudiantes de karate en diferentes desafíos de karate. Un día se le acerca una misteriosa organización llamada The Destroyers, que quiere reclutarla. Pero demasiado tarde se da cuenta de que no es ella, sino su sensei Matsumura, en quien están interesados.