La Cola

Spanish, Castilian
Félix Cayetano Gómez found a means of subsistence in standing in line for others. Together with his colleagues he dreams of forming a union that protects his rights and with the almost zero savings he obtains from his job.

About the Show

Félix Cayetano Gómez found a means of subsistence in standing in line for others. Together with his colleagues he dreams of forming a union that protects his rights and with the almost zero savings he obtains from his job, he fantasizes about traveling to Paris to meet his daughter Yanina. He does not even suspect that his daughter lives in the lie since she never traveled to France. The young woman barely survives in Buenos Aires in her desire to be an actress and tries to get out of misery.

Félix Cayetano Gómez encontró un medio de subsistencia en hacer la fila por los demás. Junto con sus colegas sueña con formar un sindicato que proteja sus derechos y con los casi nulos ahorros que obtiene de su oficio, fantasea con viajar a París para encontrarse con su hija Yanina. Ni siquiera sospecha que su hija vive en la mentira ya que jamás viajó a Francia. La joven apenas sobrevive en Buenos Aires en su afán de ser actriz y trata de salir de la miseria.

Year - 2012

Cast & Crew
Director: Enrique Liporace

Stars: Alejandro Awada, Antonio Gasalla, Ana Maria Picchio