Contract Killers (Trailer)

Spanish, Castilian
United States
A fierce assassin for the CIA has to untangle and expose a rogue government conspiracy to destroy the U.S. economy before they kill her to be silent.

About the Show

A CIA assassin attempts to break out of the contract killing business to try to lead a normal life. But when "the system" tracks her down and frames her for the death of her husband, she embarks on a path of revenge that leads her back into the life she tried to hard to abandon.

Un asesino de la CIA intenta salir del negocio de los asesinatos a sueldo para tratar de llevar una vida normal. Pero cuando "el sistema" la rastrea y la incrimina por la muerte de su esposo, ella se embarca en un camino de venganza que la lleva de regreso a la vida que se esforzó por abandonar.