Ser o No Ser: Episode 1

Spanish, Castilian
Joel is a 16-year-old trans teenager who dreams of becoming a great actor, while also dealing with the emotional challenges of his recent transition.

About the Show

Joel, a 16-year-old trans boy, goes to a new high school to attend stage high school with his two best friends, Laia and Ricky. After a few months on the move, Joel can introduce himself to his classmates as a boy for the first time, since he finally has the “passing” that he so longed for. As soon as he enters the theater classroom, he feels attracted to Ona, a reserved girl with an intellectual appearance. Joel, who since childhood dreams of becoming a great actor, is fascinated by the first lesson of Carmen, his charismatic drama teacher. However, the magic vanishes in a second when he asks them to prepare a monologue for the next day in which they open up completely to the entire class. Joel gets stuck. He wants to fulfill his teacher's assignment, but it's hard for him to give up the newly released feeling that others see him as just another boy.

Joel, un chico trans de 16 años, acude a un nuevo instituto para cursar el bachillerato escénico junto a sus dos mejores amigos, Laia y Ricky. Tras unos meses transitando, Joel puede presentarse por primera vez a sus compañeros como un chico, ya que por fin tiene el “passing” que tanto ansiaba. En cuanto entra en el aula de teatro, se siente atraído hacia Ona, una chica reservada y con aspecto de intelectual. Joel, que desde niño sueña con convertirse en un gran actor, se queda absolutamente fascinado por la primera lección de Carmen, su carismática profesora de teatro. Sin embargo, la magia se desvanece en un segundo cuando les pide que para el próximo día preparen un monólogo en el que se sinceren por completo ante toda la clase. Joel se queda bloqueado. Quiere cumplir con el encargo de su profesora, pero le cuesta renunciar a la sensación recién estrenada de que los demás lo vean como un chico más.

Cast & Crew
Director - Marta Pahissa

Writers - Coral Cruz

Producers - Laura Fernández Espeso, Javier Pons, Javier Méndez, Bernat Elias (The Mediapro Studio executive producers), Carmen González (Big Bang Media executive producer), Coral Cruz (executive producer), Bet Pujol (production director)

Technical Team - Pol Orpinell Freixa (Photography), Dani Arregui (Edition), Pau Tolosa (Sound)

Stars - Ander Puig, Anna Alarcón, Júlia Gibert, Berta Galo, Lion Armas, Eduard Torres, Enzo Oliver, Nil Carbonell, Anna Bernal, Emma Vilarasau