Ser o No Ser: Episode 4

Spanish, Castilian
Joel has been feeling awful ever since he started dating Ona. She still doesn't know he's a trans guy. He is very much in love and is afraid of losing her.

About the Show

Joel has been feeling awful ever since he started dating Ona. Due to a misunderstanding, she still does not know that he is a trans boy. He is more and more taken with her and also more and more afraid of losing her. He tries to come clean on several occasions but finds it difficult to find the right moment. Joel's grandmother announces by phone her imminent visit to Barcelona. She is a very traditional and religious woman and Ana has not yet dared to confess that her son is transiting. Mother and son become very tense before the meeting and agree on a plan to try to keep the grandmother from noticing Joel's transition. Laia has a hard time accepting that she has fallen for Víctor, while the attraction between Ricky and Álex begins to emerge.

Joel se siente fatal desde que ha empezado a salir con Ona. Por culpa de un malentendido, ella aún no sabe que es un chico trans. Está cada vez más pillado de ella y también tiene cada vez más miedo de perderla. Intenta sincerarse en varias ocasiones, pero le cuesta encontrar el momento adecuado. La abuela de Joel anuncia por teléfono su visita inminente a Barcelona. Es una mujer muy tradicional y religiosa y Ana aún no se ha atrevido a confesarle que su hijo está transitando. Madre e hijo se ponen muy tensos ante el encuentro y pactan un plan para intentar que la abuela no se dé cuenta de la transición de Joel. A Laia le cuesta aceptar que se ha pillado de Víctor, mientras comienza a surgir la atracción entre Ricky y Álex.

Cast & Crew
Director - Marta Pahissa

Writers - Coral Cruz

Producers - Laura Fernández Espeso, Javier Pons, Javier Méndez, Bernat Elias (The Mediapro Studio executive producers), Carmen González (Big Bang Media executive producer), Coral Cruz (executive producer), Bet Pujol (production director)

Technical Team - Pol Orpinell Freixa (Photography), Dani Arregui (Edition), Pau Tolosa (Sound)

Stars - Ander Puig, Anna Alarcón, Júlia Gibert, Berta Galo, Lion Armas, Eduard Torres, Enzo Oliver, Nil Carbonell, Anna Bernal, Emma Vilarasau