Ser o No Ser: Episode 6

Spanish, Castilian
Joel is devastated after the breakup with Ona, who doesn't want to continue with him, not because he's a trans guy, but because he hadn't been honest with her before.

About the Show

Joel is devastated after the breakup with Ona, who doesn't want to continue with him, not because he's a trans guy, but because he hadn't been honest with her before. The pain they both feel makes it impossible for them to continue playing their roles as lovers on stage. Laia boycotts her love scene with Víctor and Ricky and Álex keep their distance. A few weeks after the premiere, Carmen realizes Joel and Ona's emotional block and takes action on the matter. He talks to Joel alone and demands that he forget about everything offstage. They are actors and they are due to the play they are preparing. Joel realizes that he has to do something to make amends for the damage he has done to Ona.

Joel está destrozado tras la ruptura con Ona, que no quiere seguir con él, no porque sea un chico trans, sino por no haber sido sincero con ella antes. El dolor que ambos sienten hace que les resulte imposible seguir interpretando sus papeles de enamorados sobre el escenario. Laia boicotea su escena de amor con Víctor y Ricky y Álex se mantienen totalmente distanciados. A unas semanas del estreno, Carmen se da cuenta del bloqueo emocional de Joel y Ona y toma cartas en el asunto. Habla a solas con Joel y le exige que se olvide de todo lo que hay fuera del escenario. Son actores y se deben a la obra que están preparando. Joel se da cuenta de que tiene que hacer algo para enmendar el daño que le ha hecho a Ona.

Cast & Crew
Director - Marta Pahissa

Writers - Coral Cruz

Producers - Laura Fernández Espeso, Javier Pons, Javier Méndez, Bernat Elias (The Mediapro Studio executive producers), Carmen González (Big Bang Media executive producer), Coral Cruz (executive producer), Bet Pujol (production director)

Technical Team - Pol Orpinell Freixa (Photography), Dani Arregui (Edition), Pau Tolosa (Sound)

Stars - Ander Puig, Anna Alarcón, Júlia Gibert, Berta Galo, Lion Armas, Eduard Torres, Enzo Oliver, Nil Carbonell, Anna Bernal, Emma Vilarasau